My name is Jennie. I'm a wife and a mother. I have been married to the man of my dreams, Trever, for 9 wonderful years. We have 5 beautiful daughters who fill our lives with joy and excitement. We just had our 6th child. Our son Caleb.

I was diagnosed with a rare condition called Placenta Accreta along with Placenta Previa. Accreta is a condition where the placenta attaches to the scar tissue in the uterus. It will often continue to grow to deeper tissue (increta) and even through the uterus attaching to other organs(percreta). I ended up having an 11 hour surgery, including a hystorectomy, and bladder repair. I received 7 units of blood and blood parts. (This is a lot of blood loss for my surgeons, but minimal blood loss to those who are not as experienced in these deliveries. I spent 36 hours in the ICU after surgery. I have also had many other complications afterwards including another minor surgery 2 weeks later. These complications are somewhat normal for the type of surgery I had.

I had a team of specialists doing my surgery. Obgyns, Gyno-oncologists, trauma surgeons, urologists and anesthesiologists. This team has specialized in techniques helping with minimal blood loss. Those with accreta , loose large amounts of blood because the placenta cannot detach naturally at delivery.

My goal is to help save women's lives by giving this terrible condition a voice. So many are ignorant to its fatal attack. Doctors and women alike, need to be educated about Accreta. Many have never even heard of it. The numbers are on the rise because of so many women choosing to have c-sections when it isn't necessary. Not all women can avoid it, but many can. Please help me give Accreta a voice, by sharing the information in this blog. (There are numerous posts with information on Accreta as well as the Accreta team who took such great care of me.)

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Random Acts of Kindness

I have been slowly working on thank you cards lately for those that have done so much for us. I just know I am going to forget someone. It will most likely be an obvious someone too. So please don't be offended if I don't send you one. There were and still are so many acts of kindness that were anonymous  too that are so appreciated! Things that I don't even know happened, but were such a blessing to Trever and the girls while I was in the hospital. I am just amazed at the kindness and generosity of others. I was going through our bank account seeing the checks we deposited, so I could write down all of the names.  About half of them, have never even met me before. I was floored! What a blessing you all have been for me/us. Thank you to all that you have done for us. The donations have made it possible for us to see Caleb more. I had planned on feeling good enough to be able to stay on Phoenix more often, but with my complications, it was better for me to stay at home where Trever and family/friends could help take care of me. I have had at least 3 appointments a week with the different doctors since I have been out of the hospital, so we have been to and from Phoenix a ton! The gas alone has added up very quickly. Thanks to the generous donations, we have been able to be with Caleb more and get me the help that I need from the doctors. Thanks so much!!

Today, I kept the girls home from school so we could just relax and enjoy each other a little bit. They have been stressed about school lately and it was a half day, so I figured, why not. I wish I would have not gotten caught up in having them clean so much and just enjoyed them more though. I started out the day convinced I was mommy of the year and quickly turned into drill sergeant of the year. Something I have been working on for years and can't seem to get a handle on. Anyway, I have to just accept it and move on at this point. Wow, that confession came out of no where.  I was going to tell you a s Tory about a kind man who came to my rescue today.

It was nearing lunch time and Trever was at work. I suddenly realized, I wasn't prepared with something  my oldest could just toss in the microwave. Being that I had no car, and couldn't drive anyway, I turned

to Face book to solve my problems. Lol I posted on our local site asking if anyone would run to Taco Bell for me. This sweet man, whom I have never met, sent me a message offering to get whatever I need. I called him with my order. He sweetly accepted the task and delivered it to us. Then on top of it, he wouldn't let me pay him back. It was so kind and generous of him. When your friends do something nice for you, it means the world. But there is just something extra special about when a stranger goes out of their way to do something nice, you know?

My last post, I wanted to see where all of my readers are from and how you found my blog. I really enjoyed reading your sweet comments and seeing how far this blog has reached. If you haven't already, please comment. It may sound lame, but it has been so fun for me. Thanks again to all who have made comments. I may not respond sometimes, but they sure brighten my day.

I called to check on our little Caleb today. The nurse said he is doing really well still. He just eats and sleeps. His respiratory rate is still up there just a bit. It has been in the 80's. ( breaths per minute) this number is significantly lower than birth, so that is a good sign. He was well in the hundreds a month ago.  They havent pushed nippling with him. They let him try to see if he is up for it, then give him the rest via feeding tube through his nose. It used to be through his mouth, but they moved it once he started using his mouth more. He is just such a good baby. So quiet and content. He just hangs out, enjoying the peace and quiet. He better enjoy it cause things can be far from quiet around here sometimes. He is almost 6 lbs. possibly over. They use grams, so sometimes it gets lost in translation for me when converting it to lbs and oz.

I have been trying to only go see him on the days that I have doctors appointments, so that I don't over do myself. It's so hard not to see him every day. Saying goodbye gets harder and harder each time too. I feel like I have been very blessed to be able to understand that letting go for this short time with have
greater benefits in the long run. The stronger and more healed that I can become now, will only help
things in the future. I can't imagine having him home and needing to be re-admitted to the hospital because I over did it. I'm trying to take it one day at a time, and rest, rest, rest. I am getting stronger every day. It has been an incredibly slow process, but I have to keep reminding myself that I am alive. That was really my only goal for a while, was to stay alive and make it through surgery. It is so easy to get caught up in the little set backs of recovery and forget the big picture sometimes. I am alive and I feel like I am starting to thrive now. We are so blessed.

We are planning on another week or two before Caleb is able to come home. He is getting stronger and stronger each day. I am so thankful that he is so well taken care of right now. Our reunion together will be a joyous one when we are able to bring him home to meet his sisters.

Yep, RSV season is still in effect. Sad day! I am sad that she told me it would be lifted so soon, because I got my hopes up so high for the girls to see him sooner. For some reason though, just the possibility was such a wonderful thing for Trever and I. It ended up being a healing moment for us both, even though we weren't able to bring the girls down in the end. Someday soon we will all be reunited and together as a family!

I get to watch our beloved Prophets and apostles tomorrow for general conference. For those of you who are not Mormon, twice a year we get to sit and watch them via television and Internet, and be taught by them. We learn so much about why we believe what we do. We are taught so many special things and learn to be better human beings. It is a weekend filled with amazing things. If you are interested in watching it, just go to There will be three sessions tomorrow, and two more on Sunday! I'm so excited!

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