My name is Jennie. I'm a wife and a mother. I have been married to the man of my dreams, Trever, for 9 wonderful years. We have 5 beautiful daughters who fill our lives with joy and excitement. We just had our 6th child. Our son Caleb.

I was diagnosed with a rare condition called Placenta Accreta along with Placenta Previa. Accreta is a condition where the placenta attaches to the scar tissue in the uterus. It will often continue to grow to deeper tissue (increta) and even through the uterus attaching to other organs(percreta). I ended up having an 11 hour surgery, including a hystorectomy, and bladder repair. I received 7 units of blood and blood parts. (This is a lot of blood loss for my surgeons, but minimal blood loss to those who are not as experienced in these deliveries. I spent 36 hours in the ICU after surgery. I have also had many other complications afterwards including another minor surgery 2 weeks later. These complications are somewhat normal for the type of surgery I had.

I had a team of specialists doing my surgery. Obgyns, Gyno-oncologists, trauma surgeons, urologists and anesthesiologists. This team has specialized in techniques helping with minimal blood loss. Those with accreta , loose large amounts of blood because the placenta cannot detach naturally at delivery.

My goal is to help save women's lives by giving this terrible condition a voice. So many are ignorant to its fatal attack. Doctors and women alike, need to be educated about Accreta. Many have never even heard of it. The numbers are on the rise because of so many women choosing to have c-sections when it isn't necessary. Not all women can avoid it, but many can. Please help me give Accreta a voice, by sharing the information in this blog. (There are numerous posts with information on Accreta as well as the Accreta team who took such great care of me.)

Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy Easter!

I hope that everyone had an amazing Easter holiday! It is such a great day to celebrate our dear Lord and Savior. I am so thankful for his atoning sacrifice for me. I could not have made it through this trial without him. He has become not only my Savior but my dear friend through all of this. It has been so comforting to know that I am not alone, and someone knows what I am going through.

Today has been a rough day emotionally. Not sure why, or even what I am emotional about. Just hormones I guess. Church was wonderful as always. I made it through the first hour. I got to see and talk to many more friends that I haven't talked to in ages. So many cute preggo bellies running around. I asked Trever the other day... "Is it bad that I cringe every time is see a pregnant woman?" Lol it's not that I don't like babies or pregnancies, no, it's just that my delivery was so traumatic, I forget that people do have normal deliveries. I have had to retrain my brain to realize that not all pregnancies are high risk and life threatening to the extent that mine was.

It was so good to talk to a friend of mine today whom I found out has been following my blog. She is pregnant with her 4th. I am excited for her. She has wanted a baby for so long. I was glad to hear that even though she has to have c sections, there isn't any sign of Accreta. I am sure it's annoying for me to always check up on c section friends, but again.... Traumatic! I just have to know they are ok. She told me her sweet boys remember me in their prayers. I am so thankful for people like her, who teach their kids at a young age to pray for others. Especially her boys, because my 6 year old has had her eye one them both. Lol

I really am so thankful,for faithful parents who teach their children about fasting and prayer at such a young age. The more I start talking to friends and ward members, the more I hear about stories of children fasting and praying for me and Caleb, and for our family. It's just so precious and helps me so much. Seriously, their faith gives me faith. I know that I am alive because of the faith and prayers
of all of you. So thank you!

I received a phone call from the hospital at 6 o clock this morning. They never call me! Knowing that it was moving day, I started to panic! I answered the phone and the lady on the other end greets me, then says "I don't wish to alarm you, but..." Really? Who does that? By saying that, she alarmed me! Apparently, I didn't sign a consent form for them to change his room. Seriously? Ugh, she about gave me a heart attack. I gave her permission verbally and they were good to go. I called back later and asked about RSV season. As of today, it isn't over yet. So we will check back tomorrow while I am down there.

Tomorrow (I guess technically today) I go in to see wound care again. I am just praying that it is healing right and he doesn't have to re open the wound. But I also pray that if there is anything deaper, that they catch it now so it can heal correctly. It looks much better and isn't as deep, so I think it's doing what it's supposed to. You never know with me. I have never once walked into the doctor expecting it to go one way and have it actually turn out that way. This entire pregnancy, no joke, has been like that. I am starting to just expect the worst, then hopefully it will turn out the opposite.

Tuesday is my urology appointment. I'm excited and scared for that one all at the same time. I still have minimal discharge, so I am assuming he won't want to take out the drain and catheter yet. I'm nervous for when they do take it out. Everything is so sore right now. They will also eventually have to remove the uretur stent. Yeah it's an in office thing. Just reach up there with some kind of tool and pull it out. Ick! I do not like the thought of that one at all!! I am excited for the day I get all three things out and I can feel human again!

Despite feeling down and a little depressed today, it was a great Easter. I had come to the realization that he wouldn't be home for Easter, a couple days ago, but the fact that the girls were not able to go
meet him, was sad to me. I am also just nervous about how this week is going to go with the doctors. I am anxious to start working with Caleb and get him home. I know I can't force it though, so we will just take it one day at a time.

I did talk to his nurse today. She said that he seemed interested in the bottle today, so she tried him on it. He took about 15 ccs by mouth! That is twice as much as he has ever cared to try. That must mean his breathing was better today as well. Ill see how he did the rest of the day when I go in tomorrow. He is also up to 5lbs 9 oz now. Sweet! A good day for him. She said though it was super crazy down there today with moving all of the babies, he didn't mind one bit. Just slept through the whole thing. I'm glad to know he is such an easy boy. And that he will sleep through noise. Cause that's all we know sometimes around here. I can't wait to go see him tomorrow!

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