My name is Jennie. I'm a wife and a mother. I have been married to the man of my dreams, Trever, for 9 wonderful years. We have 5 beautiful daughters who fill our lives with joy and excitement. We just had our 6th child. Our son Caleb.

I was diagnosed with a rare condition called Placenta Accreta along with Placenta Previa. Accreta is a condition where the placenta attaches to the scar tissue in the uterus. It will often continue to grow to deeper tissue (increta) and even through the uterus attaching to other organs(percreta). I ended up having an 11 hour surgery, including a hystorectomy, and bladder repair. I received 7 units of blood and blood parts. (This is a lot of blood loss for my surgeons, but minimal blood loss to those who are not as experienced in these deliveries. I spent 36 hours in the ICU after surgery. I have also had many other complications afterwards including another minor surgery 2 weeks later. These complications are somewhat normal for the type of surgery I had.

I had a team of specialists doing my surgery. Obgyns, Gyno-oncologists, trauma surgeons, urologists and anesthesiologists. This team has specialized in techniques helping with minimal blood loss. Those with accreta , loose large amounts of blood because the placenta cannot detach naturally at delivery.

My goal is to help save women's lives by giving this terrible condition a voice. So many are ignorant to its fatal attack. Doctors and women alike, need to be educated about Accreta. Many have never even heard of it. The numbers are on the rise because of so many women choosing to have c-sections when it isn't necessary. Not all women can avoid it, but many can. Please help me give Accreta a voice, by sharing the information in this blog. (There are numerous posts with information on Accreta as well as the Accreta team who took such great care of me.)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Angels Among Us

Our story has reached so many people around the world thanks to all of you faithful readers. We have  followers clear in Africa, Europe, and all over the US. We have had donations from complete strangers. Your comments have made such an impact on my life and given me strength to keep going.   Thank you for continuing to share our story.  This life threatening condition is on the rise. So many women die from it because of lack of awareness. For them and the doctors. Our goal is to spread the word. To help save women's lives. (Please read my husbands posts on what Accreta is and how it works)  I was so lucky to have had the surgeons that I did. One who have the knowledge of how to save women from this horrifying condition.  You are my angels. The doctors, my friends and family. Your faithfulness and prayers have spared my life. I was given a priesthood blessing tonight, to help with some minor complications. I was told that because of the faithfulness of ward members, family and friends, my life was not ordained unto death. I will be able to carry out my life's work. So thank you. All of you who have fasted and prayed in our behalf. We would be so grateful for continuous prayer as we are still healing and recovering.

One of the angels who I didn't even know, that offered to help was a woman named Nancy. She offered to come take pictures of Caleb in the NICU for us. I had wanted so badly to capture each moment, but wasn't able to physically. She came and spent over an hour capturing moments that will touch my heart forever. Three of his four grandparents were able to be there. His daddy was sick, but she offered to come back and take some daddy pictures, whenever we want. What a sweetheart! This picture seriously just warms my heart. It's almost fake looking, but I am a whiteness. It's not photoshop...he seriously was all smiles yesterday! So here to brighten your day, is our little miracle boy. Caleb Scott Plastow!

And check out these little hands. Man, I am so in love with this boy!

Caleb's progress- He got off of his oxygen yesterday! He is now completely on room air. He still has his moments of rapid breathing, but he recovers from them and hasn't had to be put back on oxygen. He was also able to wear clothes for the first time yesterday! He looks so grown up and big to me, with clothes on. He is so tall that he probably won't fit into half of the outfits we have for him. Lol. He is up to 4lbs 5oz now. He is seriously growing like a weed this week. He also has started chewing on his hands and rooting for food. I tried to latch him on yesterday, but we had worn him out and I was wearing down as well. It will come in due time. He did latch onto a bottle this morning and drank a couple ml's. (nurses report) I'm excited to see him tomorrow and see his progress.

My progress- I have been feeling pretty crummy the past two days to be honest. I fell like parts of me are healing nicely and other parts are regressing. My drain area and really my entire right side of my abdomen, has been super sore today and yesterday. It is getting tender and red. It has also had a yellowish fluid around the site. I called the dr and he said it sounds like its about time to come out. The output is going down and the stretches have started breaking away from the skin. I am to call first thing in the morning to get in to see him, so he can check it out, and possibly take it out! That is such an exciting thought for me. I feel like with that out, I'll be able to heal so much better. It is hard to sit up straight to pump. Showering has been interesting. Not to mention, just walking is tougher with it in. Most of the pains that I have, seem to come from the drain this week. I don't have much pain at all from the incision.

Emotionally, I was struggling this weekend. My anxiety about recovery has been tough. I have been so worried that something else will go wrong and ill end up in another surgery. After receiving the blessing tonight, I was comforted, that The Lord will make my burdens light, my pains light and I will fully recover from all of this with no lasting effects or complications. I am so thankful for the priesthood! So after that, I am doing tons better. I'm able to focus again on the good, and the blessings of it all. I felt like I was letting my emotions and fears take over and I didn't like it. Now I feel like I am able to see the bigger picture a little more again.


  1. These pictures are so wonderful! What a sweet little guy!

  2. what a great idea to have pictures taken in the NICU. I wish i would have thought of that. I only have my memories to capture my favorite nurses and the environment of the NICU 10.5 years ago (for me). That is a very special gift you will cherish for life.

  3. Sweet baby boy.. Hugs to you guys.. What a special blessing xx

  4. I just love pictures of hands especially little hands.
