My name is Jennie. I'm a wife and a mother. I have been married to the man of my dreams, Trever, for 9 wonderful years. We have 5 beautiful daughters who fill our lives with joy and excitement. We just had our 6th child. Our son Caleb.

I was diagnosed with a rare condition called Placenta Accreta along with Placenta Previa. Accreta is a condition where the placenta attaches to the scar tissue in the uterus. It will often continue to grow to deeper tissue (increta) and even through the uterus attaching to other organs(percreta). I ended up having an 11 hour surgery, including a hystorectomy, and bladder repair. I received 7 units of blood and blood parts. (This is a lot of blood loss for my surgeons, but minimal blood loss to those who are not as experienced in these deliveries. I spent 36 hours in the ICU after surgery. I have also had many other complications afterwards including another minor surgery 2 weeks later. These complications are somewhat normal for the type of surgery I had.

I had a team of specialists doing my surgery. Obgyns, Gyno-oncologists, trauma surgeons, urologists and anesthesiologists. This team has specialized in techniques helping with minimal blood loss. Those with accreta , loose large amounts of blood because the placenta cannot detach naturally at delivery.

My goal is to help save women's lives by giving this terrible condition a voice. So many are ignorant to its fatal attack. Doctors and women alike, need to be educated about Accreta. Many have never even heard of it. The numbers are on the rise because of so many women choosing to have c-sections when it isn't necessary. Not all women can avoid it, but many can. Please help me give Accreta a voice, by sharing the information in this blog. (There are numerous posts with information on Accreta as well as the Accreta team who took such great care of me.)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Parking Lot Prayers part 2

After her prayer, I felt refreshed and ready to face the day again. I was able to move past my anger, and disappointment. I was able to focus more on Dr. Halls amazing ability to do what he does. He is a brilliant urologist. He is very good at what he does. Though I want to kick and scream when I leave his office sometimes, his conservative ways have saved my life. Ill explain why he wanted to leave it in, below...

We went back to the hospital. I changed Caleb's diaper. This formula gives him some smelly diapers. Whoo wee!  Just sayin'. After I changed him, the occupational therapist came in again and taught me some leg massages. He loved it. I really think these massages are helping him a ton. He was so alert and active during and after it. I think they are really helping his body to wake up and start coordinating. He took almost 40 ccs by mouth. A little over half. I had hoped that he would take more by mouth, but he still did a really good job. We were able to have a good bonding experience. I really do think that the massages are going to be the key to helping him get home.

After the hospital, Trever and I went to Red Lobster for an early dinner. Then we went to see Oz, Great and Powerful. Again... So thankful for gift cards! They helped us have a nice evening out. I really enjoyed being able to do normal things even though I still feel so un-normal right now. A special thanks to my sister in law Mindy and my mom for watching our kiddos for us. And to my dad, for picking up my oldest from school. Thanks so much!

Fistula- ok so here is why the doctor didn't want to take out the catheter quite yet. So, back on march 1st, when I had surgery, they did surgery on my bladder and on my cervix/vagina. Among other things. When that scar tissue begins to heal, it can attach to the scar tissue trying to heal on the body part right next to it. So in this case, the bladder scar tissue can attach to the vaginal scar tissue and become one. Then they can form what's called a something something fistula. Too lazy to look up the exact term right now. Basically it forms a hole from the bladder through the vagina and then it causes me to leak urin out vaginally. This would require surgery again to fix. They would have to separate the two and grab some fatty tissue from my labia and put it in between them to keep them from fusing again. Sorry TMI! Anyway, the first time they took a part of the omentum and put it between the them. Hopefully it is still in place and a fistula isn't forming.

So, when my bladder gets full, it puts it that much closer to the vagina and cervix. Making it that much easier to fuse together. He wants to make sure that the scar tissue is good and formed before risking a full bladder. This is why our "low pressure system" is so crucial. It keeps the bladder empty, allowing them to heal separately. I wonder if the leaking that I have had, was actually leaking from the abdominal cavity and not the bladder. The stuff leaking out has been more of the yucky stuff fthat was in my drain, than just urin. The only time that it seemed to be straight urin, was when the urin was leaking into my abdomen. Oh well, either way, it won't kill me to have it in another week. Though I did threaten to take it out myself. Hehehe.

It has been a bummer of a week this week, but also full of little miracles and major tender mercies. I am trying so hard to focus on the good instead of the bad. It has been hard, but I'm working at it. So, the plan now, is the 29th of April, another cystogram and hopefully ill lose the catheter on that day. Please please please pray that everything heals and scars over correctly by that day. If it doesn't, I may lose my sanity all together. :) thanks so much for your continued prayers. And thanks Carrie for putting our name in the temple. Somehow I think she knew it wasn't over yet.

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