My name is Jennie. I'm a wife and a mother. I have been married to the man of my dreams, Trever, for 9 wonderful years. We have 5 beautiful daughters who fill our lives with joy and excitement. We just had our 6th child. Our son Caleb.

I was diagnosed with a rare condition called Placenta Accreta along with Placenta Previa. Accreta is a condition where the placenta attaches to the scar tissue in the uterus. It will often continue to grow to deeper tissue (increta) and even through the uterus attaching to other organs(percreta). I ended up having an 11 hour surgery, including a hystorectomy, and bladder repair. I received 7 units of blood and blood parts. (This is a lot of blood loss for my surgeons, but minimal blood loss to those who are not as experienced in these deliveries. I spent 36 hours in the ICU after surgery. I have also had many other complications afterwards including another minor surgery 2 weeks later. These complications are somewhat normal for the type of surgery I had.

I had a team of specialists doing my surgery. Obgyns, Gyno-oncologists, trauma surgeons, urologists and anesthesiologists. This team has specialized in techniques helping with minimal blood loss. Those with accreta , loose large amounts of blood because the placenta cannot detach naturally at delivery.

My goal is to help save women's lives by giving this terrible condition a voice. So many are ignorant to its fatal attack. Doctors and women alike, need to be educated about Accreta. Many have never even heard of it. The numbers are on the rise because of so many women choosing to have c-sections when it isn't necessary. Not all women can avoid it, but many can. Please help me give Accreta a voice, by sharing the information in this blog. (There are numerous posts with information on Accreta as well as the Accreta team who took such great care of me.)

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

My Thoughts On Why and Who I Chose for President

I have had a lot on my mind lately with this Election coming up and wanted to process through some of my thoughts.

I have always been anti Hillary. Not gonna lie.  I think that anyone going through a criminal investigation, caught steeling votes etc, should immediately be booted from the competition. Why hasn't she?  She is a powerful woman with a lot of money.  My husband and I are really in to the super hero movies lately.  Well, I should say lately for me, forever for him.  After years, I am finally converted. :)

I watch the rich and powerful take what they want, blackmail their way through life and kill when someone stands in their way. Is this not happening right now with Hillary? It is so scary how someone can say that they want to protect toddlers by taking away guns and yet wants to legalize killing babies up to the day they are born. (which my experience is,,,, we never know when they could be ready to come.  My youngest is a thriving three year old, born 9 weeks early!)

She has her hands in most of the mainstream media. Telling them what to say and what not to say. Ick!! She has huge illegal donations coming in from special interest groups. She knows how to get her way and will stop at nothing to do it. Including.... getting her way into the votes of the House and Senate! (More on that later) Do you remember on the movie Pollyanna when the Reverend was giving the sermons that the woman paying his salary wanted him to give? Not what God wanted him to give. Not even a comparison on the same scale, I know.... but the concept is the same.  Money talks unfortunately.

Which brings me to my next point.  Up until two weeks ago, I was undecided about the election.  The one I voted for in the primaries, was out and I didn't like what options were left.  Then a bright young Mormon from Utah came to surface and I was dazzled by the possibilities that he could bring to the table.  There was always something in the pit of my stomach that seemed wrong about him. It took me a while to figure out that was what I was feeling.  Something seemed fishy about the last minute jump in to the race.  Although I get it, It is never too late to stand up and do the right thing.  The first time I heard Evan speak, I heard him say that the courts have spoken about Gay marriage so he isn't going to mess with that issue.  That struck something in me.... someone who was a member of a church that is very anti gay marriage.... hmmm, Is he just too passive to fight that one?  Is his membership in the church not what it claims?  Is he actually gay and doesn't want to say anything until he "wins" then he will push gay rights?  (maybe far fetched... but he isn't married and doesn't share much about his personal life)  I believe marriage is between a man and a woman is ordained of God! If he doesn't want to fight for that, then how else does he want to "not fight" for the family? I know that people have gay tendencies, just like others have tendencies to drink, over eat etc.  We all have our trials. And someone who is gay, is still a child of God. Just like a drunk or anyone else. I have gay/lesbian family members and friends.  Some of the nicest people I know! People who have blessed my life greatly. That being said... I stand with God. Marriage is between a man and a Woman. Why doesn't Evan want to fight for the family unit?

In that same interview, he name called Trump over and over.  That's cool, mudslinging has become a part of the election process.  We Americans love drama.  Come on, admit it.... we love the drama. My concern is that almost every time he spoke, his mention of Hillary was lame at best.  He always focused on name calling Trump. The way he approached it sounded like a two yr old tattle telling on his sibling. Juvenile name calling not talking about specifics much.  Why does he hate Trump so much.  I get that the guy has an ego to cover the pacific ocean but why not team up against Hillary.  I truly admired Romney for pulling out of the race in 2008 (I think it was) when it was evident that McCain was ahead in the polls.  He didn't want to split the republican party or the conservative vote to give more power to the Democratic party. So why is Evan trying to split the party?  Another thing that made me wonder about him.  Again, I get standing up for rights and it's high time to give the individual a voice. He isn't doing that though. Think about it.... He is trying to rig the system so that he can win. He is trying to put the decision of Electing president in the hands of a few people.  Even if he was everything I wanted in a President, that concept scares me.  We are all so bugged that the Electoral College gets the final say on our votes but now we want to take it one step further and the the House decide?  That really scares me.  What happens to the next election when everyone says, well my vote didn't matter then, so why vote now?  They are already saying that because of the "rigged poles". Since when did a conservative want to take away that right to vote from individuals. If he wanted this so bad, then why doesn't he focus on the way the founding Father's set it up, instead up trying to find a loophole in the system. Scary!!!!

The more I learned about him the more fishy things looked.  He was in the CIA and his time there was classified. He worked for Goldman Sachs, a company all too well connected with the Clinton's. Oh and the work he did there is also not able to be talked about.  Then the work in Washington... again can't be talked about. What do we really know about this guy? Really?  We know he is not married.  According to Brigham Young... at his age, that makes him a Menace to society. haha sorry, had to toss that out there! More importantly though, being the President is a rough job.  How can he handle the job with out a help meet by his side.  How can he really do his job justice without someone to go home to at night.  I know many people make it in this tough world, single, divorced, widowed etc.  As the office of President though?  That's a little bit more to chew.  We all need someone to lean on, process our thoughts to, and someone else's view on the situation.  I know he has a VP who could offer that to a certain extent, but she is another man's wife!  Evan needs someone that he can be vulnerable with. who knows him inside and out, to be a help meet for him. Again, the family unit doesn't seem to be a big deal to him. Which could snowball into some really big issues down the road.

There has been evidence, fabricated or not, that links Evan to Hillary.  With all of the other things above, I am starting to believe it.  Is he really on her payroll?  Is he really here to split the party and more importantly, to take the heat off of her investigation? Secret Combinations anyone? If, by even a small chance, he is one of her minions.... do you honestly think he will stay in the race once "his plan" works?  (Which it won't by the way. Hillary won't let it!) Even if it does however, who is to say, he will take the job.  He could just as easily be bought off to pull out right when Hillary has finished her plan.  When she has blackmailed or bought off just enough members of the House to put her in. It all seems just a little to good to be true, the Evan McMullin.  He got it, just in time to have his background protected from the media.  He isn't a threat to the campaign, since he is new, so why waste the millions to really look in to him?  His standing in the church (which is really none of our business, I know....but is it? If you are going to advertise you are Mormon....then shouldn't we know a little more about your membership? ) We will never know that though, because no Bishop or Stake President is able to come forward with that. Not a huge issue, except for the fact that he is trying to take Utah by hoping his claim to be a Mormon will get him the votes. Everything in his life is Classified people!

That brings me to Trump.  The guy is an idiot.  He says things that really are not P.C. He is a womanizer and egotistical. I think that is why I like him though.  (Not the womanizer part... we can get into that in a bit) I like that he is not PC. I like that he says things how they are.  I like that he isn't afraid to tick someone off.  He is why... we live in a world where if a white person calls someone black, they are racist. I called in to Walmart one day to praise an employee for being so kind. He always had a smile on his face, and always made my day brighter.  I didn't ever catch his name, which was my bad, but I didn't want to put off calling in, to give his manager a thumbs up for this guy.  So when it came time to describe him.... Well the easiest thing to say was that he was black.  He was one of a few blacks that worked there... and he was the only one that was a door greeter.  I felt like I had committed a crime describing him using his color.... but seriously... I would have said red hair, tall and skinny, Asian or whatever. Why do we have to worry about being PC these days?  Why does everything we say have intended hatred behind it?  When did we stop giving people the benefit of the doubt?  When did we stop looking at their "fruits" instead of hanging on every word to see how we can make it sound rude or degrading.

When Louisiana was under water, who came to the rescue. Photo op or not, who came to those people.  The President was too busy on his vacation to take the time to help out the people he swore to protect.  Hillary Clinton (after all of the flack she got) finally called the Governor to see what needed to be done.  (One of her followers by the way) He told her not to worry about coming.  How convenient.   Since when do we need an invitation to provide help. Trump saw a need and was there with support and help very quickly.  When I saw his video... whether a puff piece of not, I was amazed at the way he was talking to them. He was in the assembly line doing work. He didn't send someone to do it for him. He was there, on the front lines, helping. He may say and do a lot of things that are not my favorite, but he got my attention that day.  Where was Evan?  Where was Johnson? Where was anyone else?  ON THE CAMPAIGN TRAIL! By their fruits, ye shall know them.  I wish I knew ANYTHING from Evan's background to get to see his fruits.  not the Fluffy PC stuff. But really know him.

Many people slam Trump about his comments on Veteran's, Mormon's etc.  Coming from someone who has put her foot in her mouth many times.... I get it!  What I watch for is the continued things, like "God Bless you all" said after many of his speeches.  They way he talks about God, he believes in Him.  Maybe not in the same way I do.... but I am not worried about my religion with him.  Hillary wants to change Religion.

I read and listened to the speech Trump gave to the Veteran's.  The press spinned the story into crap. I thought he was trying to connect with them, not belittle them.  Many times since, I have heard him stand up for our Veteran's.  Talking about how horrible they are treated and how he wants to change that.  How he wants to strengthen our military and give them the backup and support they need. Having many friends and family in the military... I am thankful for that. We all know the help and support Hillary offered our Military.  Our guys were ambushed!

I like what I have seen when Trump talks about our police officers.  I have hope that he will be able to help protect our officers.  Again, he is not PC. So I really think he will help us get to the root of the segregation that comes from the Black lives, Blue lives, All lives matter movement.  Everything our current president does, is turn issues into race issues.  Everything with him is about race.  For someone who claims to not be racist... he sure has created a lot of racism in our country since he has been in. People see and hear him and think now that everything that involves a black guy.... is because of race.  Seriously... how do we not see it.  He is slowly bringing racism in full circle again. It's sad.  I know we will always have racists in our midst, but it is becoming a huge problem. It is all because of this PC crap that we have been indoctrinated with.

Now, back to the latest Trump "scandal". What he said was sick and wrong.  There is no denying that, making excuses for that or anything. Sick and Wrong! End of story.

We are way past looking for a perfect person. Way past looking for someone who is the perfect candidate. We need someone who will put our enemies in their place. We need someone who is not afraid to make someone a little angry.  Trump is a business man.  He has an ego.... do you really think he would risk losing his profile on Mt, Rushmore by screwing this up?

I have seen his compassion in the quiet way that he helps out Single mom's struggling.  Or family's who need support.  Another of the the fruits that I have seen, that I like. He has used his money to help others.

He has the guts to turn this country around.  I don't see Evan doing that.  (even if his plan did work) I definitely don't see Mr, Johnson having the guts to take care of things. We are on the verge of another world war!  We need someone who can keep us from it. If anything, strengthen our military to protect us from it.  Not Hillary, who wants to open the borders and weaken our defenses.  Trump wants to build a wall.  Maybe a little extreme.... but what I like is that he wants to make Mexico accountable for their side of this.  He found a way to secure the border's and make Mexico pay for it.  Simply Genius! He wants to stop going to other countries for jobs, trade etc, when we have able bodied American's right here who could do it themselves.  Bring back jobs for Americans and bring back prosperity for Americans.  I loved that Romney had the track record of building from the bottom up. In his own life and with the Olympics.  Trump has done the same.  People slam him for filing bankruptcy. Do you know who else has?  Dave Ramnsey.  What of the greatest financial counselors of all time.  We don't discredit Dave for Filing.  We see that he learned from it and is better now for it. Stop letting the media tell you what to think people!  We need to start thinking for ourselves.  I know that my views don't match with everyone's. Nor do I want them too.  God created us to think for ourselves. He gave us individual experiences to help bring new ways of seeing the bigger picture.  To bring diversity to our world. It is what makes us great!  If we all felt the same about each situation, candidate etc... we would have followed satan's plan. We would all be drones with no individuality. So regardless of who you want for president.  Just vote. Please just vote!  We need to stand up and let our individual voices be heard and not let a select few choose for us.

1 comment:

  1. My name is Jeff and I've been reading your blog here today, you really do have some good insight as to what is going on with these elections. I think you should turn off the main stream media and listen to Rush or Sean Hanity. A lot of what the main stream media was preaching were a string of lies. If you don't mind I would like to come back and follow your blog from time to time, I like your thinking.
